So, lately, as I've researched art, I've been focusing more on illustrators. It turns out that Russians have a unique, pleasant, and refreshingly simple style when it comes to illustrations. They tend to color sizable areas in a single, well-chosen color that often contrasts nicely with those around it. Also, they are very liberal with their outlines; I find that very alluring. Together, these things make for a delightful, fantasy-esque style. Of course, they can't be stereotyped. Russian illustrators are as original and creative as any, (except the English who had the Pre-Raphaelites AND Rackham among a host of others).
The picture below is by Bilibin. I think his work is a wonderful representation of that Russian style. This picture is an illustration for a folk tale about the witch, Baba Yaga, and Vasilisa the Beautiful. I especially like the house's chicken legs. I wish I knew the story. If I did I'd tell you. Now, though, I don't have the time to find out, and I'll probably be lazy and forget later.